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Elusive Ancestors

This version was saved 13 years ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Claire V. Brisson-Banks
on September 1, 2011 at 10:36:10 pm




Do you have ancestors who are eluding you? You've spent countless hours, months and even years only to not locate a parent(s), a spouse or even children. Seems like the records either don't exist or just not wherever you have looked. The Elusive Ancestors Wiki  is a place to share your information on what is known about your ancestor in hopes that others may be able to assist with additional guidance and perhaps help to locate your elusive ancestor.


Please use the following guide to share the information about your ancestor.




1) State your objective as simply and clearly as possible


2) Provide all the information known about your ancestor


3) Link all documents related to your ancestor by uploading them and attaching them within the narration


4) Provide a research log showing places checked and when if possible


Community involvment seems to enhance and improve end results as so stated in "We Are Smarter Than Me" by Barry Libert, Jon Spector and Don Tapscott book by the same name. 


Let's work together to break through brick walls together!


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